FaceAnd Facts -
Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Q.How do I add entries to FaceAndFacts?

  2. A.FaceAndFacts uses the data from your iPhone Contacts.  It presents the contact data in a compact “on the go” format.  The best way to maintain contact data is to enter the data from the computer with which you sync your iPhone.  If you have a Mac, you would enter contact data into your address book application, then sync your iPhone via iTunes.  If you use a PC and Microsoft Outlook, you would use Outlook as the “system of record” and then sync via iTunes.  

  1. Of course FaceAndFacts will find and use any records you add directly into your iPhone via Contacts.  It is just easier to type on real keyboard and then sync the data across. 

  1. Q.Why can't I edit data in FAF?

  2. A.FAF is optimized to REVIEW information when you are in a hurry.  It is designed to let you refresh your memory as you are literally walking down the hallway to a meeting.  Editing capabilities would defeat the purpose of the app.  Data input is better done on a full scale keyboard. 

  1. Q.How do I organize contacts into groups?

  2. A.FaceAndFacts uses the data from your iPhone Contacts.  It presents the contact data in a compact read-only “on the go” format.  The iPhone does not support contact groups directly.  However, the Apple Address Book , Microsoft Outlook, etc. do support contact groups.  Follow the directions for adding contact groups for your desktop application and then sync.  FaceAndFacts will reflect the groups you assigned in the desktop application. 

  1. Q.Where do I get photos of people I meet at a networking events?

  2. A.Hang onto all those business cards!   When you get home look up the contact name in social networking sites like Facebook, Linked-in, My Space, etc.  Then copy  and paste the photo into your desktop contact manager application (Microsoft Outlook, Apple Address Book, etc.) .    If you scribbled down some notes on the back of a business card, be sure to enter them into the notes section of your desktop contact manager.  Sync your iPhone.  Use FaceAndFacts to refresh your memory just before the next meeting starts. 

  1. Q.I have tons of entries for my networking group in my address book but tonight I need to make sure I talk with 3 specific people. Can I just see them?

  2. A.Yes, you can tag selected contacts using FAF and then see them in the Favorites view.  See the Favorites page for more information.

  1. Q.What hardware and iOS version is required for FaceAndFacts?

  2. A.FaceAndFacts requires iOS version 5.1 or higher.  The original iPhone and iPhone 3G do not support iOS 5.x.  FaceAndFacts will run well on an iPhone 3GS and very well on a 4 or 4s. 

  1. Q.How many contacts will FaceAndFacts support? 

  2. A. FaceAndFacts has been successfully tested on an iPhone 3G and iPhone 4 running 2,500 contacts. 

  1. Q.Does FaceAndFacts duplicate the Contact data?

  2. A. No, FAF uses the same database that Contacts uses. 

  1. Q.I have some questions that are not covered here.   What now?

  2. A. Please contact the Support Desk at:  fafsupport@ziegsoft.com